CLI Referencea
this document is out of date. Refer to the CLI help built into the executable.
The Coda CLI (command-line interface) is the primary way for users to interact with the Coda network. It provides standard client functionality to create accounts, send transactions, and participate in consensus. There are also advanced client and daemon commands for power users.
The CLI is installed as part of the Coda bundle, and can be accessed from a shell by beginning a statement with coda
Coda APIs are still under construction, so these commands will likely change
- Lightweight client commands - eg. creating an account or sending a transaction
$ coda client SUBCOMMAND
=== subcommands ===
get-balance Get balance associated with a public key
send-payment Send payment to an address
generate-keypair Generate a new public-key/private-key pair
delegate-stake Change the address to which you're delegating your coda
generate-receipt Generate a receipt for a sent payment
verify-receipt Verify a receipt of a sent payment
stop-daemon Stop the daemon
status Get running daemon status
help explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)
- Advanced client commands (intended for Coda power users)
$ coda advanced SUBCOMMAND
=== subcommands ===
batch-send-payments Send multiple payments from a file
constraint-system-digests Print MD5 digest of each SNARK constraint
dump-keypair Print out a keypair from a private key file
dump-ledger Print the ledger with given merkle root as a sexp
get-nonce Get the current nonce for an account
get-public-keys Get public keys
get-trust-status Get the trust status associated with an IP address
get-trust-status-all Get trust statuses for all peers known to the trust system
reset-trust-status Reset the trust status associated with an IP address
snark-job-list List of snark jobs in JSON format
start-tracing Start async tracing to $config-directory/$pid.trace
status-clear-hist Clear histograms reported in status
stop-tracing Stop async tracing
visualization Visualize data structures special to Coda
wrap-key Wrap a private key into a private key file
help explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)
- Daemon commands to configure settings related to how node interacts with network
$ coda daemon
=== flags ===
[-background] Run process on the background
[-bind-ip IP] IP of network interface to use
[-client-port PORT] Client to daemon local
communication (default: 8301)
[-config-directory DIR] Configuration directory
[-external-ip IP] External IP address for other
nodes to connect to. You only need
to set this if auto-discovery
fails for some reason.
[-external-port PORT] Base server port for daemon TCP
(discovery UDP on port+1)
(default: 8302)
[-from-genesis] Indicating that we are starting
from genesis or not
[-limit-concurrent-connections true|false] Limit the number of concurrent
connections per IP address
[-log-json] Print daemon log output as JSON
(default: plain text)
[-log-level Set] daemon log level (default: Warn)
[-peer HOST:PORT] TCP daemon communications (can be
given multiple times)
[-block-producer-key KEYFILE] Private key file for the proposing
transitions. You cannot provide
both `block-producer-key` and
(default:don't propose)
[-block-producer-pubkey PUBLICKEY] Public key for the associated
private key that is being tracked
by this daemon. You cannot provide
both `block-producer-key` and
`block-producer-pubkey`. (default:
don't propose)
[-rest-port PORT] local REST-server for daemon
interaction (default no
[-run-snark-worker PUBLICKEY] Run the SNARK worker with this
public key
[-snark-worker-fee FEE] Amount a worker wants to get
compensated for generating a snark
proof (default: 1)
[-tracing] Trace into
[-unsafe-track-block-producer-key] Your private key will be copied to
the internal wallets folder
stripped of its password if it is
given using the `block-producer-key`
flag. (default:don't copy the
private key)
[-work-selection seq|rand] Choose work sequentially (seq) or
randomly (rand) (default: seq)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Print out client version information
$ coda version
Commit <...> on branch <...>
- Print out subcommands and explanations
$ coda -help
=== subcommands ===
client Lightweight client commands
daemon Coda daemon
internal Internal commands
parallel-worker internal use only
transaction-snark-profiler transaction snark profiler
version print version information
help explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)
Client Subcommandsa
- Get balance associated with a public key
$ coda client get-balance
=== flags ===
-address PUBLICKEY Public-key for which you want to check the balance
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Send payment to a public key
$ coda client send-payment
=== flags ===
-amount VALUE Payment amount you want to send
-privkey-path FILE File to read private key from
-receiver PUBLICKEY Public key address to which you want to send money
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-fee FEE] Amount you are willing to pay to process the transaction
(default: 2)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Generate a new public / private key pair
$ coda client generate-keypair
=== flags ===
-privkey-path FILE File to write private key into (public key will be
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Change the address to which you're delegating your coda
$ coda client delegate-stake
=== flags ===
-delegate PUBLICKEY Public key address to which you want to which you want to
delegate your stake
-privkey-path FILE File to read private key from
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-fee FEE] Amount you are willing to pay to process the transaction
(default: 2)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Generate a receipt for a sent payment
$ coda client generate-receipt
=== flags ===
-address PUBLICKEY Public-key address of sender
-receipt-chain-hash RECEIPTHASH Receipt-chain-hash of the payment that you
want to
generate a receipt for
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication
(default: 8301)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Verify a receipt of a sent payment
$ coda client verify-receipt
=== flags ===
-address PUBLICKEY Public-key address of sender
-payment-path PAYMENTPATH File to read json version of verifying payment
-proof-path PROOFFILE File to read json version of payment receipt
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default:
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Stop the daemon
$ coda client stop-daemon
=== flags ===
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Get running daemon status
$ coda client status
=== flags ===
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-json] Use json output (default: plaintext)
[-performance] Include performance histograms in status output (default:
don't include)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Print out client subcommands and explanations
Advanced Client Subcommandsa
- Send multiple payments from a file
$ coda advanced batch-send-payments PAYMENTS-FILE
=== flags ===
-privkey-path FILE File to read private key from
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Print MD5 digest of each SNARK constraint
$ coda advanced constraint-system-digests
=== flags ===
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Print out a keypair from a private key file
$ coda advanced dump-keypair
=== flags ===
-privkey-path FILE File to read private key from
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Print the ledger with given merkle root as a sexp
$ coda advanced dump-ledger STAGED-LEDGER-HASH
=== flags ===
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Get the current nonce for an account
$ coda advanced get-nonce
=== flags ===
-address PUBLICKEY Public-key address you want the nonce for
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Get public keys
$ coda advanced get-public-keys
=== flags ===
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-json] Use json output (default: plaintext)
[-with-balances] Show corresponding balances to public keys
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Get the trust status associated with an IP address
$ coda advanced get-trust-status
=== flags ===
-ip-address IP An IPv4 or IPv6 address for which you want to query the
trust status
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-json] Use json output (default: plaintext)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Get trust statuses for all peers known to the trust system
$ coda advanced get-trust-status-all
=== flags ===
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-json] Use json output (default: plaintext)
[-nonzero-only] Only show trust statuses whose trust score is nonzero
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Reset the trust status associated with an IP address
$ coda advanced reset-trust-status
=== flags ===
-ip-address IP An IPv4 or IPv6 address for which you want to reset the
trust status
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-json] Use json output (default: plaintext)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- List of snark jobs in JSON format
$ coda advanced snark-job-list
=== flags ===
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Start async tracing to $config-directory/$pid.trace
$ coda advanced start-tracing
=== flags ===
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Clear histograms reported in status
$ coda advanced status-clear-hist
=== flags ===
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-json] Use json output (default: plaintext)
[-performance] Include performance histograms in status output (default:
don't include)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Stop async tracing
$ coda advanced stop-tracing
=== flags ===
[-daemon-port PORT] Client to daemon local communication (default: 8301)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- Visualize data structures special to Coda
$ coda advanced visualization SUBCOMMAND
=== subcommands ===
registered-masks Produce a visualization of the registered-masks
transition-frontier Produce a visualization of the transition-frontier
help explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)
- Wrap a private key into a private key file
$ coda advanced wrap-key
=== flags ===
-privkey-path FILE File to write private key into (public key will be
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
- explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)
$ coda advanced SUBCOMMAND
=== subcommands ===
batch-send-payments Send multiple payments from a file
constraint-system-digests Print MD5 digest of each SNARK constraint
dump-keypair Print out a keypair from a private key file
dump-ledger Print the ledger with given merkle root as a sexp
get-nonce Get the current nonce for an account
get-public-keys Get public keys
get-trust-status Get the trust status associated with an IP address
get-trust-status-all Get trust statuses for all peers known to the trust
reset-trust-status Reset the trust status associated with an IP
snark-job-list List of snark jobs in JSON format
start-tracing Start async tracing to $config-directory/$pid.trace
status-clear-hist Clear histograms reported in status
stop-tracing Stop async tracing
visualization Visualize data structures special to Coda
wrap-key Wrap a private key into a private key file
help explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)